Smarthome quality slipping?

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Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:08 pm
nsosnicki offline
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Smarthome quality slipping?

After living through some issues with the new Insteon hardware and reading about people experiencing failures, I can't help but to think that the quality of the Insteon hardware is not up to the level that Smarthome's X10 hardware was.

In addition to my 2414 failure, of the 11 Insteon switch/keypad lincs that I have purchased, I've had issues with 5 of them. I never had this many issues with the x10 Smarthome switch/keypad lincs.

Smarthome has replaced every problem switch with no questions, but it just doesn't seem right. Has anyone else observed these failure rates or am I just lucky?

Posted on
Sun Sep 17, 2006 3:36 pm
DPattee offline
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I bought a bunch of the v2 switches when the first came out, and did have several of them break. One you have to literally hit the button to make it register an 'on', but an off is a normal tap. One you can't ever turn off (even via insteon commands), and i don't remember what the problem with the other two were. I just wrote it off as being them trying to rush the first version out.

Posted on
Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:08 am
Alexander offline
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There's definitely been some initial problems with the Insteon hardware; out of 25 or so Insteon switches I've installed, 5 or 6 have suffered sudden death so far. These were earlier rev 2.0 hardware, the currently shipping rev 2.5 Switchlincs are reportedly much better. I attribute this to "working out the kinks" in an entirely new hardware design; I accept the problems I had as the price of being on the bleeding edge. As these hardware issues have been addressed by manufacturing changes, I am not hesitant to recommend currently shipping Insteon devices.

Even though the hardware may have had some issues, the Insteon protocol itself has been infinitely more reliable than X10, which more than makes up for it.

Also, I believe the "not recognizing on taps" was a deliberate choice on the SH programmers' part to prevent spurious ons. See the Smarthome Insteon forums for more details, and please chime in if you want to see this adjusted.

Posted on
Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:23 am
DPattee offline
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Heh, the 'on tap' thing is definitely not a deliberate choice. When I say that 1 of my switches "literally" requires hitting, I really did mean literally. Anything less then the side of a fist hitting it won't get it to turn on. (well sometimes pressing on it with a thumb so hard that the wall makes a noise is effective). Its busted but it is just for a closet, so I haven't taken the time to get it replaced.

Posted on
Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:56 am
Alexander offline
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That's what I get for not taking you seriously. :D

Posted on
Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:08 pm
acrboston offline
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Relay Problems

I am also beginning to have problems with my V2 relay switches. I have at least three relays that are nearly impossible to activate by pressing the thumb switch. All links are maintained. I am very concerned about the longevity of my remaining switches. Interestingly, I have had no issues with dimmers. Currently operating about 20 relays and 6 dimmers.


Posted on
Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:48 pm
nsosnicki offline
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My experience seems to be physical defects rather than firmware. I have had two keypads fail because the load would not turn off unless the switch was physically disconnected. They worked for several weeks then wouldn't turn off. Smarthome support told me that this could happen when a bulb burns out in the connected fixture. I confirmed that in both cases a bulb in the attached fixture indeed blew out. That seems too fragile for practical use...

I have another keypad where the main off button has no feedback. Same thing on another switchlinc; basically you press the button and there is no audible or tactile "click" to let you know you pressed it. Not a show stopper, but annoying nonetheless.

I have several switchlincs where the air gap button is defective. Some will not stay pulled out, they pop back in on their own and others don't disconnect the switch when they are pulled out.

Again, not looking for solutions as Smarthome has replaced everything that was at issue, but just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences. FYI, the latest batch of switches I bought was in June, so I am pretty sure I have the latest rev.

Posted on
Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:56 am
Alexander offline
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Nope, the absolute only hardware problem I've had is the sudden death of a switch, as I mentioned a couple of messages up. All of a sudden, the connected load is always off, as well as the switch's status light. The only thing I can get the switch to do is glow the status LED in a creepy fading-out manner when holding down the SET button. Other than that, the switch does absolutely nothing. Two more v2.0 SwitchLincs have failed in this way since my last post, BTW...

By the way, with the air gap switch, you have to pull it REALLY hard; I find I need a pair of needlenose pliers to get it fully out on most of my switches.

Posted on
Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:24 pm
Patrick Alonso offline
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I installed a dozen Insteon Dimmers and two Relays several months ago. So far I have four dimmers that are having problems. The one in the kitchen gets used the most and is impossible to turn off manually with a single, double, triple, or quadruple tap. Occasionally I can get it to turn off by holding down the paddle until it dims completely. Usually by then I am too frustrated with it and will walk upstairs to the computer and turn it off using Indigo. The one for the front porch is used exactly twice a day. I turn it off in the morning before I go to work and I turn it on in the evening when it gets dark (still waiting for Indigo 2 to upload to the PowerLinc so I can truly automate these tasks :wink: ) The switch for the porch usually requires several taps before it will turn off. There are two Dimmers in hallways that get moderate use that also need several taps to turn off. I haven't had one switch that has trouble turning on... only off.

Posted on
Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:28 am
scchang offline
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I have about 32 dimmers and 4 relays installed. They were initially purchased 8/05. I have experienced approximately 9 failures of one kind or another as previously described in this thread by others. All of the relays have failed to power on the load. The dimmers have failed in various ways (unable to turn on, no led, turn on without being pressed, etc.). All have been replaced by Smarthome. I am concerned about failures post-warranty. Anyone else share this concern?

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Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:17 pm
Terry offline
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Am I concerned, yes and no.

Insteon is new technology so I expect a shakout period as bugs are worked out in real world application.

However, it's not really the technology end of the Insteon that seems to have the current problems, it the mechanical parts: switches, paddles, springs, air gaps. On the technology side it appears it's LED brightness.

The brightness problem isn't really a problem, just LED selection. Sounds like narrow angle LEDs are being used instead of the diffusing type.

The mechanics will be cleared up over time as Smarthome either tells the vendor that makes the parts to get its act together or they'll get a vendor that will. I'd be pretty confident that it shouldn't take too long for Smarthome to get this resolved as they sure don't want to be exchanging faullty products just because the plastic parts were made poorly.

Sounds like it's different vendors making the Insteon parts and the X10 parts. I really don't know, but it sure seems odd that X10 plastic parts are fine and Insteon plastic parts aren't. Unless X10 also has problems and I'm just unaware.


I started off with nothing...I still have most of it left.

Posted on
Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:49 pm
vhoang offline
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Bought 10 a few weeks back and only had time to install one on arrival. Wanted to test the technology and It worked perfectly. Great :roll: , now i better get those other ones tested too to see if any are any problems. That one i have installed sure works well though.

Posted on
Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:49 pm
czvi offline
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Well, I had my first Insteon Switchlinc failure. The light only goes to dim when I hit the off paddle. Same thing when I use Indigo to turn the light off -- it only goes to about 50% dim. I don't know what my wife did to it while I ws away for a few days :-).

Anyway, to Smarthome's credit, they are shipping me a new one to replace this one. It was purchased just under 9 months ago.

Posted on
Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:48 pm
DPattee offline
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I've finally reached the end of my line. I am not going to be recommending Insteon to anyone anymore.

I'm actually not sure how many switches I've had fail. But today's failure was 'it.' I'm still waiting on two replacement SwitchLincs to come in from a call in December (the classic 'physical control doesn't work, but remote does') and now the switch in my office has died. I can turn it off locally, but not on.

My office switch gets used -maybe- once a month (there are other lights in there and a window, it is rare that I need the overhead light), but it still has managed to break. Smarthome's QA department should be ashamed of themselves.

Best part is, the original SwitchLincs are no longer under warranty, so someone is supposed to call me back tomorrow to discuss this issue with me. <sigh>

I'll give coworkers/friends advice on setting up systems if they decide to get them on their own, but I'm no longer going to advocate Insteon over any of the other options :(

Posted on
Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:57 pm
matt (support) offline
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Did you ever hear from Smarthome on this? My understanding is that if you have the local switch failure problem, they'll take care of it. I also believe that the source of that failure has been identified and it isn't a problem anymore.

If you don't have any luck, then send me an email. I think I can get you in touch with the right person.


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