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source control for collaborative plugin dev (GitHub?)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:22 pm
by discgolfer1138
I would be interested to hear what any other plugin developers out there are using for source control (if at all). I have recently started developing a few plugins and have decided to host all my work in public repositories on GitHub. It helps me keep things organized and well-documented as well as providing an easy opportunity for other developers to follow along and contribute if they wish.

While I am aware that the User Contribution Library seems to be the 'approved' outlet for developers to release plugins to the public, I was hoping for a way to foster a more collaborative effort. GitHub's Fork/Pull-Request mechanism makes it easy for other devs to checkout each other's code, patch issues and submit them for inclusion in the next release. If memory serves, there are a few plugins out there that are pay-to-play, so obviously an open-source model wouldn't work for those developers...

Either way, I just thought I'd throw this out there and see what other folks thought :)

ps - if anyone is interested in checking out my fledgling plugins, they are available here:

(all Indigo-related projects are prefixed with 'indigo_')