[ANSWERED] CM11 problems (non-Keyspan USB adapter bug)

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Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:20 pm
matt (support) offline
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Can you post a link to the UK forum? I'd be interested in reading what they are saying about this issue. Thanks!


Posted on
Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:48 am
jozey offline
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Not sure its a USB/Serial issue


I just started testing-out Indigo and i am liking what i see coming from a Homeseer setup. However i am seeing the same backup issue of the CM11. I use the serial version through a keyspan 19hs USB-Serial with the latest serial drivers and i get the lockup issue too.

Does not seem to be related to any event yet, but its only just started with only 4 days of my trial left !!!!! Only fix is a restart at this point. Hope to test out more tonight.

BTW Nice to see how Indigo has grown over the past 2 years since i last evaluated it.

Posted on
Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:01 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Not sure its a USB/Serial issue

jozey wrote:
Only fix is a restart at this point. Hope to test out more tonight.

Did you try choosing the Interface->Disconnect and then Interface->Connect menu item? And do you have a X10 transmitter (like a MaxiController or a Palm Pad via a transceiver) that you can use to put a X10 command on the power line to see if that wakes up the CM11?

Please let me know how it goes. I think there are different issues here that folks are seeing, and we haven't really tracked down a common problem or solution that works for everyone.


Posted on
Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:33 am
calbug offline
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Sorry for the delay in reply - got all caught up in Xmas & everything!

SO....want the good news?

I decided to put my hand a little deeper in my pocket & bought a Keyspan USB to Serial adapter for £30 from Expansys(.com) in the UK. I installed the driver that came with the adapter (CD) and plugged the thing in to a USB port on the Mac G4 (not in a hub).

I also bought a more traditional Serial (9 pin) to RJ11 lead from letsautomate.com (UK) who sell the lead alone for a few quid rather than buying the CM11 serial version in full. Connnected this setup to the new Keyspan adapter

Firing up Indigo & connecting to the CM11, I was given the choice of two ports (newly installed by the driver install process) & I selected "Keyspan 1" - no tech reason for this, I just tried it...50/50 shot eh?

Since doing this I have had no bricking of commands in the status bar & all the actions & combos I have set have worked perfectly & has done since last week in December. The only time lights haven't worked have been to my error in logic :wink:

The USB to RJ11 lead that came with the CM11 "USB version" is in the bin. The only thing I have had to do bizarrely is move my RF receiver as the remote was not working too well, but that's no problem

My simple advice to anyone suffering from the same issue - BUY A KEYSPAN!!! (in my opinion of course!)

Posted on
Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:34 am
calbug offline
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Matt - the link for the UK thread is

http://www.simplyautomate.co.uk/forum/d ... readPage=1


Posted on
Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:26 pm
matt (support) offline
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Thanks for the follow up, and I'm glad all is working well now with the Keyspan adapter!


Posted on
Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:30 am
pkronen offline
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A new idea has occured to me:
In my house I have a Powerbook running Indigo all day, and, when I am at home, my G5 runs as well. Both are connected to a separate CM11.
Now it occurs sometimes, although only Indigo is active on the Powerbook, that commands are cancelled out, e.g. at 5 pm the shutters go down only to stop after a second or so. It seems that a 'counter-command' or duplicate command (or echo?) is triggering that.
My idea is now that on each computer an Indigo server is running (on the G5 hidden?) and causing this. This might also create some confusion on the Powerbook's CM11, and it hangs up.

Could anyone confirm or dismiss these 'allegations'?

Thanks! Peter

Posted on
Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:02 am
matt (support) offline
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If both Macs were running Indigo Server and trying to send the same X10 command at the same time, that would cause a signal collision which could cause problems. You can tell if Indigo Server is running by copy/pasting this command into the Terminal:
Code: Select all
ps -axwww | grep Indigo | grep -v grep

If any lines are returned that have IndigoServer in them, then it is running.


Posted on
Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:17 am
pkronen offline
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I did check it with peek-a-Boo (as a non-Linux guy).
Indeed, when I start and quit Indigo on my G5, the Indigo Server keeps running. It must still be issuing the time actions interfering with the other Indigo.
For the moment, I have unplugged the second CM11, and will monitor for a while the other CM11 behaviour.

Posted on
Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:01 am
noname offline
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Re: CM11 interface problems (non-Keyspan USB adapter bug)

New here so please bear with me. I too have very recently (during the last few days) suffered a number communication stalled messages and power failure messages on my desk top imac running Snow lepard 10.6 with Indigo 4.1.15. At first i thought it was the CM11 or serial adaptor that was starting to fail but having tried them on a second machine with no problem I am at a loss to understand what is going on. Finally tonight I decided to check the version numbers of Indigo on the two machines. One has 4.1.15 for the server and client but the machine with the fault has 4.1.14 for the client and 4.1.15 for the server. I have now reinstalled to correct this and will see what happens.

Posted on
Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:14 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: CM11 interface problems (non-Keyspan USB adapter bug)

I hope that helps, but it's quite doubtful since the client has nothing to do with communication with the CM11. More likely is that you're either experiencing sporadic signal issues (which is why it works sometimes) or something in the chain is starting to fail. Is the other Mac (the one that doesn't seem to be failing) running Snow Leopard as well?

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:49 am
noname offline
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Re: CM11 interface problems (non-Keyspan USB adapter bug)

The second machine is a laptop with identical OS. Is it possible that something got screwed up in my initial update? I invested in the Indigo Mac platform because on the PC I never managed to get the USB controller to run for more than half an hour without it loosing touch, until this glitch struck the mac Indigo combination hadn't missed a beat, lets hope that its sorted now. i will let you know

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