Apple Music - constant playlist

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Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:44 am
anupchavda offline
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Apple Music - constant playlist

Hi there.

I'm trying to solution for a problem I'm having and would love to see how others have resolved.

I have Airfoil up and running and have a trigger that when the Cloakroom light goes on, Airfoil airplays to an airplay target connected to speakers in that room.
I have Apple Music running in the background and have a playlist that runs continuously (on repeat).

this gives a great experience of having music enabled at a different song and different point in the song (like turning on the radio) when the light turns on.

Now I'm finding that after a while the playlist stops. I'm not sure if Apple Music only plays the long playlist once and then stops or whether something else is happening to stop playing the music, but I'll find that about a day or so in the music has stopped. The Airfoil is still targeting and activating the speaker, but because nothing is playing, no music is then being piped.

Is there a way for me to solve for this? I'm happy to create an automation that restarts the playlist at a particular time in the early hours, but I'm not sure how to achieve this.


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Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:20 pm
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Apple Music - constant playlist

I'm not sure (I use my own music, not subscription/streamed music), but if you have an iTunes device set up to control it... then you can trigger if the music stops with an action to press play. I'm just not sure if "play" = start up your playlist again. Or "play" = start playing whatever is in your library in alphabetical order by bass player's mother's maiden name. (my best guess on how apple sorts my stuff)

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Posted on
Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:17 am
jltnol offline
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Re: Apple Music - constant playlist

So I'm not sure this is the problem, BUT I think if the Airplay device Apple Music is playing music TO is disconnected, I THINK the app just goes into stop/pause mode. Although not the effect you are after, you could set up your trigger to start the play function.... or you could have Apple Music always play thru SOMETHING, to keep it going.

Again, not sure if this is what's happening, but I've run into a slightly similar issue in the past as I recall.

Posted on
Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:37 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: Apple Music - constant playlist

jltnol wrote:
So I'm not sure this is the problem, BUT I think if the Airplay device Apple Music is playing music TO is disconnected, I THINK the app just goes into stop/pause mode. Although not the effect you are after, you could set up your trigger to start the play function.... or you could have Apple Music always play thru SOMETHING, to keep it going.

Again, not sure if this is what's happening, but I've run into a slightly similar issue in the past as I recall.

I think Airfoil does something like that. If the source has no audio, then airfoil will auto disconnect from the source. Turning the speaker on/off then does nothing as the airfoil source was severed.

I haven't used airfoil in a while, but I remember having to include "connect to source" with the action for any trigger. Mostly because I was using it for pushing out house announcements, so mostly the source was dead air which would auto disconnect stuff.

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