Indigo 1.8 public beta available

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Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:13 pm
matt (support) offline
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Indigo 1.8 public beta available

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Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:30 pm
roundy offline
Posts: 49
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Insteon addresses


Thanks for getting Indigo 1.8 beta out so fast. Now I'm just waiting for my Powerlinc V2 to arrive. 1.8 installed without any problems right over my 1.6 setup. But I do have 1 question. I noticed that when you define an Insteon module in 1.8 it asks for the Insteon address (e.g. 00.00.00). I know on the lamplincs and appliancelincs, this number is on a sticker on the outside of the module. My question is, do you know of any easy way to find the address for Switchlincs and Keypadlincs. I'd really hate to have to unscrew all those wall plates to find the address. :(

Is it possible to activate the switch from another controller and have the Powerlinc/Indigo read the address from the powerline? Just a thought.


Posted on
Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:48 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Insteon addresses

Hi Thomas,

Unfortunately, the PowerLinc V2 does not report any messages from modules it does not know about. This is a security precaution to keep you from controlling your neighbors devices.

Try pressing and holding the Set button on the PowerLinc V2 for 10 seconds, then pressing and holding the Up Paddle on the SwitchLinc for 10 seconds. That might/should link up the two modules. You'll probably see the INSTEON address in the Event Log. At this point, you still will need to define the Device so that Indigo can make sure the links are all in sync. The manual linking Press and Hold process only defines a single direction link, but you need a dual link. Additionally, KeypadLinc and ControLincs need multiple links defined. Indigo handles all of this automagically via the Links Syncing that occurs when you initially define the device. Let me know if it works...


Posted on
Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:47 am
Guest offline

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Thanks for getting this beta out.

I just ordered a new PowerLinc V2 Controller from funforgeeks so hopefully it will be in next week and I can test.

I am getting real frustrated with X10 - I seem to be getting strange signal interference and is very flakey. I am also picking up junk from my neighbours or somewhere. All this seemed to happen shortly after I installed a couple BoosterLincs and a phase coupler.

So I am very excited about this now! Can't wait.

What is strange is that SmartHome still has the PowerLinc V2 backordered but they are available from funforgeeks. Didn't SmartHome invent and make the things?

Posted on
Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:07 am
roundy offline
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Thanks for the tip Matt. My Powerlinc V2 won't be here until monday, so I have to wait until then to start converting settings in Indigo. As I've already installed about 10 Insteon switches, I'll either have to do a lot of linking/syncing or a lot of removing wall-plates. :D

Suppose I do choose to just remove wallplates and copy codes down. In Indigo, currently, certain Insteon switches are defined as X10 addresses. If I just tell Indigo they are Insteon switches, input the correct address and press "Links Syncing", do I still have to do the press and hold bit?

Also, will Indigo know about all the cross-links I've already set up? Let me give you an example.


I currently have some lights setup like this. I have everything cross-linked to each other. I.E. Send command from Controlinc will turn on switchinc and a light up the appropriate button on the keypadlinc. If I tell Indigo the address of the switchlinc (and link sync), will Indigo respond to commands from the Controlinc and the keypadlinc? As you know, normally, you have to crosslinc everything to each other (one of the few "cons" of Insteon), to keep everything in sync.



Posted on
Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:22 am
matt (support) offline
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roundy wrote:
In Indigo, currently, certain Insteon switches are defined as X10 addresses. If I just tell Indigo they are Insteon switches, input the correct address and press "Links Syncing", do I still have to do the press and hold bit?

Just double-click the device, change its type to INSTEON, enter the INSTEON address and start the sync process. You might want to remove the old X10 address assignment from the switch. Indigo does not automatically do that... otherwise you'll end up with extra traffic on the power line that might slow things down.

roundy wrote:
Also, will Indigo know about all the cross-links I've already set up? Let me give you an example.


Yes, as long as you sync all of those devices, Indigo knows about all the links in the system. It can then accurately show the on/off/brightness state of your SwitchLinc regardless of how it is controlled: locally at the switch, via ControLinc/KeypadLinc, or via Indigo. And it is very fast... press a button on a KeypadLinc and all of the devices that responded to its command will immediately update within Indigo. This was a bit of a pain to implement, but everything should just work automatically as long as you have done the syncs.


Posted on
Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:51 am
roundy offline
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Thanks! That will save a lot of time and work.

I would love to get rid of the X10 addresses, but I probably won't be able to. I still have several keypadlincs (w/o dimmers) sending X10 commands out to control lights. Unfortunately, these keypadlincs are the most often used controllers in my house. So, until Smarthome releases their dimmerless keypadlinc, I won't be able to replace these. I suppose I can just use the Insteon keypadlinc with dimmer (and not hook up a load), but I'm hoping to save a few bucks with the dimmerless versions.

My controlinc currently sends out an Insteon command (to control the Insteon switchlinc) and an X10 command simulaneously (to update the keypadlincs and Indigo). Fortunately, I've not noticed any interference between the X10 signals and the Insteon signals.

In preparation for the Powerlinc, I've begun jotting down the addresses of my Insteon stuff. Currently, I'm putting them in the description field in Indigo so they show up in the main window. Never had a use for this field before. :)

Thanks for all the hard work! Looking foward to v2.0!


Posted on
Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:14 pm
gmusser offline
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Hi Matt,
I haven't tried the Insteon features of v1.8 yet (still waiting for Smarthome to respond to queries about replacing my old 2414), but I can report that the X10 USB communications are much more reliable. I have been running Indigo for a couple of days now and haven't gotten the USB pipe errors that used to plague me.

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