Forum Rules

Forum rules

Posted on
Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:14 pm
jay (support) offline
Site Admin
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Posts: 18273
Joined: Mar 19, 2008
Location: Austin, Texas

Forum Rules

The Supported Hardware forum is more tightly controlled than other forums on this site. We (Perceptive Automation) believe it's important to consistently name and position device threads. Users are only allowed to post on existing threads - only the admins can create new topics because we want to control how the topics are named and linked to other parts of the web site (wiki, device list, etc.).

This forum isn't meant to be the definitive list of supported devices. Because of the nature of Z-Wave (and X10) devices, a complete definitive list is not possible. However, our best attempt at such a list is the Devices List - on the detail page for the device there may be links to both the wiki and here to the Hardware forum if we believe having those support mechanisms are necessary/helpful.

Please keep posts directly related to the device for which the thread was created. Any posts that are off topic will be deleted. Also, please keep posts constructive - if you have a complaint about a device, we don't mind hearing it, but please keep it specific and post only once unless specifically asked for more information.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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