Email stops working

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:55 pm
davef offline
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Email stops working

When a motion detector triggers it:
Sets a variable to keep from re-triggering
Sends me an email
Sends me a text via email
Sends my wife an email
Sends my wife a text via email
Turns all lights on for the camera

Recently the motion detector was triggered and sent the first three emails but not the forth. After that it tried to send the remaining email forever.

2012-06-21 00:29:41 Error email send message failed
2012-06-21 00:29:42 Error email re-send scheduled in 10 minutes

Is there some limit to the number of emails that can be sent in a row?

How do I "clear out" an email that is "stuck" (I rebooted)?

It's worrisome that the system can stop notifying me of issues once the first alert is sent.

Posted on
Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:43 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Email stops working

Stopping the Indigo Server and restarting it will clear its outgoing email queue.

Normally when an email send fails it is because the network connection is down or the email server is having a problem, and the re-send attempt that occurs 10 minutes later will work (or eventually work once everything is back online).

The exception to this is if you have an invalid email address specified in the action. In that case the email will never send (because the address is always invalid no matter how many times Indigo tries), and that apparently can clog up sending of the other emails until you stop/start the Indigo Server. We do need to get this bug fixed, but note I've only seen it occur in the case of an invalid email address (so it shouldn't happen often and won't happen because of connectivity problems).


Posted on
Fri May 01, 2020 11:55 am
dherren offline
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clearing email queue

So, I have an email stuck in the queue, and nothing I have tried has been able to clear it. I've stopped and started the server, I've rebooted the server, all multiple times.

I realize I'm responding to a message posted in 2012 and it's 2020 now, but I haven't found anything else online about how to clear the queue. I'm tired of the error message every 10 minutes.

Posted on
Sun May 03, 2020 9:00 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Email stops working

Reboot the Mac and see if that clears it out.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Sun May 03, 2020 12:03 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Email stops working

There is no outgoing mail queue saved to file, so restarting the Indigo Server clears the queue. If you are seeing the error again that is because another action tried to send an email (and that failed). I think the root problem here is email sending isn't working for you. You might need to change your email server settings, or you can try using the Better Email plugin. Lots of users have better luck with it as its email clients are much more robust than the ones Indigo is using internally. We have on our ToDo list to switch over to a similar technique (python based email clients) that the Better Email plugin is using, so it is the recommended solution/technique right now for sending and scanning emails.


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