Refresh interval by device and Device Groups feature request

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Fri Aug 14, 2020 4:05 pm
jstewart30 offline
Posts: 28
Joined: Jul 03, 2014

Refresh interval by device and Device Groups feature request

Minor feature request: instead of having one global value for "refresh request" frequency for the entire plugin, it would be nice if each device could specify its own interval. Some things are more timing-critical to monitor than others and it would be nice to not create overhead with excessive polling. The "Online Sensor" plugin, which has a lot of feature overlap with this plugin, has that capability, but lacks the ability to ping a MAC address (as far as I know), which is super handy for the "who's home" concept. Even slightly cooler would be an override function: specify the default frequency in the main plugin settings but then have the ability to override that in any individual device.

Also, not sure why but I don't seem to be able to create a Virtual Device Group from individual network devices...I assume it's because you're not treating devices as "on/off" but rather "Active/Inactive"? Having a group would be really handy for determining "nobody is home, (and it's not just because the network is down), therefore do X".


Posted on
Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:00 pm
jheddings offline
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Re: Refresh interval by device and Device Groups feature req

Excellent feedback!

I'm looking into the "override" capability for a device timeout. I might put that under an "advanced" section or something per device. The design of the plugin makes this relatively straightforward to implement. The tricky part is really making it easy for everyone to use. Stay tuned for an update (though I know I'm already pretty late in responding).

For the virtual groups, I think it has more to do with the filters used by the Virtual Devices plugin. I don't know for sure, but I believe it is looking for specific device types, not just supporting onOffState. I'll dig into this a bit and see if there is something that we can do here. I definitely see the value of a virtual group that is only "on" when all devices are present.

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