Plot data resets at Midnight each day

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Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:25 am
dawson1331 offline
Posts: 32
Joined: Oct 22, 2012

Plot data resets at Midnight each day

I would like to plot several days of data on one plot that is one indigo variable over time . For the minute plot, I plot two days. But each night at midnight, the data seems to reset and I only get one day of data. The previous day is blank. The data is the temperature stored in an Indigo variable with ranges of 20 to 60. I have tried many settings to fix my issue but I am not understanding something at a fundamental level.

This happens on all three of my plots. I made this one (the one variable plot) to debug the others.

In an attempt to debug, I tried the following:

I tried the SIMPLE Plot and I only get one day.

I deleted the indigo_history.sqlite database and started over a several days ago in an attempt to correct any problems. I have a particular indigo variable to plot. I used the - sqlite3 -header -column indigo_history.sqlite... command and saw that there is several days of data - actually 42 entries. (although the ts - timestamp - field seems to be 6 and one half hours ahead). But INDIGOplotD only plots data since midnight.

When I used the INDIGOplotD plugin to "Re-load Data from SQL database", all data for the plot (that variable) seems to be removed. - the plot is blank.

I looked at the data in the variable-value field in .../Indigo 2021.1/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.INDIGOplotD/sql. It has 2825 entries. I deleted the that file and reloaded but it still has the same entries. The timestamps on the entries seem to be from 11 months ago and before - nothing more recent. Not sure where it pull the data from.

Any ideas?

Posted on
Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:26 am
kw123 offline
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Re: Plot data resets at Midnight each day

Sorry to answer late

I am still unpacking my things after moving to Vienna and my indigo server is not jet up

Here some general remarks
PlotD loads the data at every restart from the sql db .. when that was reset it’s empty

After Deleting sql lite file you should restart the indigo logger or restart the whole indigo system

So you need to let it run for at least 2 days then it shows data for 2 days.

The current day only shows from midnight until now

Also try to set time span to 3 days and see what will happen

Again if SQLite only holds 1 hour it can only show 1 hour data


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:46 pm
dawson1331 offline
Posts: 32
Joined: Oct 22, 2012

Re: Plot data resets at Midnight each day

Thanks Karl, That is some move!

I found my problem. I changed one parameter in the IndigoPlotD configuration file. It fixed the problem and then to make sure, I put the old value back and of course I got the old behavior.

The option I changed was: "Path to sqlLite database(leave empty for default)". It was pointing to Indigo 7.4. I cleared it out and it set itself to Indigo 2021.2. The path name is too long to fit in the field so I never read the entire line before today. I guess it got stuck some time ago.

I can now plot multiple days on one plot again. I love this plugin (and Arduino too!).



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