How to add plugin devices to the Compatible Devices list

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Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:44 pm
jay (support) offline
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How to add plugin devices to the Compatible Devices list

With the new Compatible Devices list, plugin developers can now add devices that their plugins support. We don't yet have a UI but we can add them for you.

First, identify if the manufacturer of the device is already in our system. You can do that by checking the Manufacturer Filter list. If it's not there, then send us the Manufacturer name and a URL to the appropriate spot on their website along with the rest of the information below.

Second, do a quick look through the current list to see if the device is already there - there may be another plugin that also works with it. If it's there, then you can just send us a link to the device and let us know that your plugin also supports the device and we'll make the list.

If the device doesn't exist in our system already, then we need some information from you so we can add it:

  • Model Name: consumer friendly name (i.e. RX-Vx73 Series, required)
  • Model ID: short model identifier (will show parenthetically after the name and can be very generic i.e. “all”, required)
  • Alt Model IDs: if there are multiple models of the same type, you can list them and we’ll show them parenthetically after the name (optional)
  • Protocol: one of the following: 433MHz RF, Insteon, MQTT, WiFi/Ethernet, X10, Z-Wave, ZigBee, Other (use the last one if none of the others seem to apply, required)
  • Category (from the list, should be the subcat if the category has them, required)
  • URLs
    • product page URL (on the manufacturer’s site, optional but highly encouraged)
    • forum URL if you have a forum page dedicated to the device (optional)
    • image URL (if the manufacturer has a URL to the image, optional)
  • Plugin (if you have multiple)
That looks like a lot, but it’s not really. How we show the model in the UI is a little tricky, so here are a few examples:

Model Name: Echo Dot
Model ID: 1st Gen
Alt Model IDs: NONE
Shown in UI: Echo Dot (1st Gen)

Model Name: SecuritySpy
Model ID: (for Mac)
Alt Model IDs: NONE
Shown in UI: SecuritySpy (for Mac)

Model Name: RX-Vx73 Series
Model ID: RX-V
Alt Model IDs: RX-V473, RX-V573, RX-V673, RX-V773
Shown in UI: RX-Vx73 Series (RX-V473, RX-V573, RX-V673, RX-V773)

Finally, if your plugin talks to a hub/bridge of some kind, like for instance the Hue Bridge or a Vera, which then enables your plugin to control other devices like Hue bulbs or other Z-Wave devices, then get us that information as well (all required):

  • Name
  • Manufacturer
  • Protocols (from the list above, can be multiple)
  • Notes (anything you think would help users understand what it is
  • URL to product page
  • Plugin (if you have multiple)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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