Reflector error every night at same time

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Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:17 am
DVDDave offline
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Reflector error every night at same time

For at least the past few weeks, I've gotten one reflector error every night at 11:30pm.

Code: Select all
2021-10-19 23:31:41.028   Reflector   restarting reflector connection to
2021-10-19 23:31:35.165   Warning   reflector reconnection scheduled in 5 seconds
2021-10-19 23:31:35.164   Error   reflector connection test failed: Reflector connection is currently down.
Not a huge deal but it seems very odd. I've looked everywhere I can think of for other errors in my router, server, etc and can't find anything. No other devices report any issues. I finally stayed up late to check my internet access when the error happened and I was able to access other sites with no problem.
Any ideas on what could be causing this or tests I can do to find the problem?

Posted on
Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:36 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Re: Reflector error every night at same time

I'm guessing that it's not anything to do with your particular Indigo install. I send myself a daily email with any errors that appear in the Indigo log, and I got a reflector error last night, but not the night before. Mine are not occurring at the same time of day and I suspect each is likely for a different reason. For example, I have an Indigo schedule that reboots my modem every other week. I went through the messages for this month and these are the only ones I found:

Code: Select all
2021-10-20 00:28:02.712 Error reflector connection test failed: unable to connect to server
2021-10-20 00:28:38.471 Error failed to create reflector connection: unable to connect to server

2021-10-14 03:04:55.523 Error reflector connection test failed: unable to connect to server  <== cable modem reset
2021-10-14 03:05:31.050 Error failed to create reflector connection: unable to connect to server  <== cable modem reset

2021-10-13 14:13:22.369 Error reflector connection test failed: Reflector connection is currently down.

2021-09-30 03:12:26.644 Error reflector connection test failed: Reflector connection is currently down.  <== cable modem reset (probably)

If you're not finding anything in your install that could be the culprit, it could be something like your ISP resetting your WAN IP or knocking ports shut. I'm guessing it's not on the Indigo reflector side or I'd be seeing them too.

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Posted on
Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:05 pm
DVDDave offline
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Re: Reflector error every night at same time

DaveL17 wrote:
I'm guessing it's not on the Indigo reflector side or I'd be seeing them too.

Thanks for the reply, Dave. I agree that it's probably something with my network or ISP but I wanted to check to see if others were having the same problem. Since it's down for such a short time, I might have missed an internet issue when I checked. I still find it odd that no other devices report a problem. Perhaps I can start an internet ping at that time and find out for sure whether I have other internet errors.

Posted on
Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:12 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Reflector error every night at same time

Pretty much what DavidL said. The secure tunnel Indigo creates on your Mac back to our cloud server is a persistent TCP connection. Most services (ping, etc.) aren't keeping the connection open like Indigo does. ISPs, routers, etc., can close down open connections like that periodically which breaks the tunnel (if I had to point fingers I would say ISP). Indigo checks every few minutes to see if the tunnel is down and tries to rebuild it if that is the case. I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens more frequently.


Posted on
Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:54 pm
DVDDave offline
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Re: Reflector error every night at same time

Thanks, Matt. I'll do a few more tests to learn more about what's happening but, you're right, it really doesn't matter much. I just find it interesting that it happens at the same time every night.


Posted on
Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:36 am
DVDDave offline
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Re: Reflector error every night at same time

FWIW, the nightly errors have suddenly stopped. No idea why.

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